著者 |
発表者 |
招待 講演 |
講演番号 |
ショートタイトル |
予稿集本文 |
楊 敬軒 |
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R006-23 |
A statistical study on electron injection events whose peak-energy exceed 100 keV observed in the inner magnetosphere |
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横田 勝一郎 |
R006-11 |
Contribution of magnetospheric pressure inhomogeneities to SAPS Wave Structures: Arase and SuperDARN conjugated observations |
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R006-12 |
SuperDARNレーダーとあらせ衛星によるプラズマ圏境界/SAPS領域周辺の電場・粒子観測: イベント解析初期結果 |
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R006-13 |
second harmonic poloidal ULF波動によるリングカレント陽子の動径輸送:あらせ・RBSP-B衛星の観測 |
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R006-15 |
A statistical survey of Pc5 waves observed in the dusk and night sectors |
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R006-18 |
The interaction of sub-relativistic electrons with high-latitude propagating chorus waves observed by the Arase satellite |
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R006-26 |
A statistical study of EMIC wave-particle interactions in the magnetosphere using Arase observations |
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R006-35 |
Measurements of nongyrotropic electrons around the cyclotron resonance velocity in whistler-mode waves |
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R006-37 |
Preferential energization of lower-charge-state heavier ions
in the near-Earth magnetotail |
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R006-48 |
Development by numerical design of double-shell electrostatic energy analyzer with hemispherical field of view |
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R006-50 |
A new calibration method for LEPe low-energy electron data of the ERG satellite |
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R006-51 |
Performance of Medium-Energy Particle experiments (MEPs) onboard ERG: a long-term view |
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R006-61 |
2018年12月28日の地上EMCCDカメラとあらせ衛星の共役観測に基づくPi2波とイオン振動とオーロラ光振動との対応関係 |
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R007-08 |
An event study on electrostatic solitary wave excitation and electron distributions in the lunar wake boundary |
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R009-02 |
BepiColombo Mio 搭載イオンエネルギー分析器MPPE-MIAによる金星・水星フライバイ観測 |
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R009-06 |
太陽系天体の宇宙風化再現実験に向けた汎用プラズマ照射装置の開発・評価の現状 |
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R009-18 |
月極域探査計画LUPEXに搭載する複数回反射型質量分析器TRITONの開発 |
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R009-21 |
A technique for retrieving the Martian hot oxygen exosphere from O+ pickup ion measurements in the magnetosheath |
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R009-24 |
Numerical experiments of exospheric retrieval for isotope ratio measurements by MSA onboard MMX |
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R009-25 |
Development of an engineering model (EM) of the Mass spectrum Analyzer (MSA) for Mars Moons eXploration (MMX) |
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横山 竜宏 |
R005-15 |
機械学習を用いた日本上空の中規模伝搬性電離圏擾乱の統計解析 |
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R005-17 |
MUレーダーによる電子密度の長期統計解析と信楽イオノゾンデ自動読み取りシステムの開発 |
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R005-19 |
3-D imaging of daytime mid-latitude sporadic E over Japan with ground-based GNSS data |
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横山 佳弘 |
R005-44 |
磁気リップルおよび電子密度変動の振幅と衛星軌道直下の降雨との統計的関連 |
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R010-32 |
Quasistatic mesoscale field-aligned currents embedded in the diminished large-scale Region 1 current: Dawn-dusk asymmetry |
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吉岡 和夫 |
R007-10 |
「ひさき」衛星による惑星間空間のヘリウム光学観測 |
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R009-10 |
Long-term monitoring of Jupiter's aurora and Io torus by Hisaki EXCEED |
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R009-16 |
次世代紫外線宇宙望遠鏡によるエウロパプルーム検出可能性の検討 |
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S001-11 |
惑星科学、生命圏科学、および天文学に向けた紫外線宇宙望遠鏡計画の提案 |
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吉川 顕正 |
R005-26 |
主成分分析による地上磁場データの成分分離 |
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R006-03 |
Implementation of Alfvenic Coupling in Global MHD Magnetosphere Simulation |
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R010-01 |
磁気圏多点衛星観測時代に向けたデータ解析手法の開発 |
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R010-02 |
3次元全球電離圏静電ポテンシャルソルバーの開発 |
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R010-03 |
A study on the geometrical evolution of magnetic fields |
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R010-04 |
電離圏分極型PBIにおける電子加速メカニズム:3次元流体的電子加速シミュレータから得られる新機構 |
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R010-14 |
磁気赤道域における特異的な太陽フレア効果(SFE*)の発生要因の探究 |
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R010-19 |
Development of an autonomous FM-CW ionospheric observation system based on reinforcement learning |
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R010-20 |
Progress of the SDR-based dual-band scintillation detector development and its application for space weather study |
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R010-22 |
Seasonal and long-term variations in the Schumann Resonance observed at Kuju Japan |
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R010-23 |
Characteristics of dusk-side IHFAC polarity during storm and quiet times |
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R010-24 |
Feasibility Study of Space Weather Observation by CubeSat in LEO |
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R010-30 |
磁場・電界観測に基づく極域・中緯度電離圏の応答の解明 |
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R010-31 |
夜側オーロラオーバルの極側境界で発生するオーロラ増光現象における電離圏分極の数値解析 |
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吉川 一朗 |
R007-10 |
「ひさき」衛星による惑星間空間のヘリウム光学観測 |
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R009-10 |
Long-term monitoring of Jupiter's aurora and Io torus by Hisaki EXCEED |
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吉川 慎 |
R003-01 |
ドローンを用いた九重火山における繰り返し空中磁気観測により見積もられた磁場時間変化について |
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吉田 光太郎 |
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R007-11 |
銀河宇宙線の振る舞いにおける太陽圏境界の役割に関する数値シミュレーション研究 |
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吉田 永遠 |
R006-32 |
あらせ衛星で観測されるコーラスに関連したラングミュア波動の統計解析 |
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吉田 奈央 |
R005-38 |
火星熱圏電離圏にみられる密度擾乱の励起源 |
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R009-26 |
TGO/NOMADからリトリーバルした火星中間圏・下部熱圏のCO/CO2分布の変動 |
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R009-33 |
リム観測による火星大気鉛直構造の解明を目指す新大気リトリーバル技術の検証 |
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R009-34 |
Remote sensing of surface pressure on Mars by CO2 2μm absorption band observed by Mars Express/OMEGA |
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吉田 理人 |
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R005-56 |
Sporadic, large gravity wave events over Syowa Station
-Comparison between the PANSY radar and the ERA5 reanalysis- |
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吉原 貴之 |
R010-16 |
GBASの脅威となる低緯度電離圏電子密度急勾配パラメータ間の相関特性について |
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吉村 令慧 |
R003-05 |
人工的に組み込んだ切込みを有する花崗岩への多点電気測定手法の応用 |
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R003-08 |
Three-dimensional electrical resistivity structure beneath the back-arc side of the southern Tohoku region |
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R004-12 |
Paleomagnetic directions and intensities from volcanic rocks in the Tendaho Graben in the Afar depression, Ethiopia |
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吉本 充宏 |
R004-09 |
西之島2014-2015年溶岩による古地磁気強度絶対値測定 |
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