著者 |
発表者 |
招待 講演 |
講演番号 |
ショートタイトル |
予稿集本文 |
ピエラル ヴィヴィアン |
R010-20 |
How do the geomagnetic storms affect the LEO proton flux distribution during Solar Energetic Particle events? |
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東 力也 |
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S001-07 |
磁化プラズマ衝撃波の長時間発展の大型レーザー実験 |
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S001-31 |
レーザー生成プラズマ中の磁気リコネクションにおける磁気拡散領域の時間・空間分解計測 |
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東尾 奈々 |
R006-23 |
あらせ衛星の観測による放射線帯、プラズマ圏の長期変動 |
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R006-25 |
Plasma pressure distribution of ions and electrons in the inner magnetosphere during CIR and CME storms observed by Arase |
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R011-04 |
JAXAにおけるDOI導入に向けた検討状況 |
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樋口 颯人 |
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S001-37 |
Development of Quantum Algorithm for Clarifying Auroral Electron Acceleration Mechanism by Collisional Boltzmann-Maxwell Equation |
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ひさき(SPRINT-A)プロジェクトチーム 山崎 敦 |
S001-40 |
「ひさき」衛星による惑星間空間のヘリウム光学観測 |
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兵藤 初美 |
R005-P27 |
Faraday filter transmission measurements with a narrowband 589 nm light source for the Na lidar observations at Tromsoe |
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R005-P28 |
Sodium saturation spectroscopy using distributed feedback lasers |
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兵藤 史 |
R004-08 |
A long-term evolution of a compositionally-driven dynamo: implications for a sudden decline in lunar paleointensity |
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平塚 貴也 |
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R006-P26 |
あらせ衛星で観測されたコーラスエレメントの特徴解析 |
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平原 秀行 |
R006-21 |
Low-cost magnetometer using magneto-impedance (MI) sensors |
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平原 聖文 |
R006-07 |
Observational evidence of nonlinear growth of whistler-mode waves around quasi-perpendicular bow shocks |
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R006-17 |
Triple-dome electrostatic sensor for simultaneous electron/ion measurements with hemispheric field-of-view by an angular deflector |
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R006-18 |
Initial experiments of a particle sensor combining floating-mode APD and an electrostatic analyzer for low/medium-energy electrons |
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R006-19 |
MCP・APDを用いた宇宙プラズマ粒子検出器の基礎特性実験 |
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R006-P09 |
Field-aligned currents associated with pulsating auroral patches: Observation with Magneto-Impedance Magnetometer on board LAMP |
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R009-05 |
Comet Interceptorに搭載するイオン分析器の検出器の開発 |
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平原 靖大 |
S001-P19 |
木星衛星イオの環境を想定したSO2霜の紫外線照射実験及び中間赤外測定 |
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平松 良浩 |
R003-07 |
奥能登群発地震震源域の3次元比抵抗構造 |
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廣重 優 |
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R010-P08 |
FMCWイオノグラム画像E/Es層エコー検出に関する一般物体検出モデルの高有効性 |
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