


A Relationship Between Cusp Irregularities Observed with HF Radarsand Ion Outflow

著者名 Authors 所属機関名 所属機関名(欧文)
1 #小川/忠彦 Ogawa/Tadahiko 名大STE研 STE Lab., Nagoya Univ.
2 F2 Buchert/Stephan 名大STE研 STE Lab., Nagoya Univ.
3 西谷/望 Nishitani/Nozomu 名大STE研 STE Lab., Nagoya Univ.
4 佐藤/夏雄 Sato/Natsuo 極地研 NIPR
5 渡部/重十 Watanabe/Shigeto 北大大学院理学研究科 Hokkaido Univ.
6 SuperDARN PIグループ SuperDARN PIs K6 M

1997年7月15日及び1998年2月1日に昼間側カスプ付近で顕 著な電離圏イオンの流出現象がEISCAT-Svalbardレーダーで観測 された。これと同時に北極域のSuperDARN短波レーダーで観測さ れたF層エコーとの関係を調べ、イオン流出とレーダーエコー との物理的な因果関係を論じる。

F region decameter-irregularities near the dayside cusp region observed on July 15, 1997 and February 1, 1998 with SuperDARN HF radars, whose fields of view cover the F region ionosphere over the EISCAT Svalbard radar (ESR), are discussed to investigate a relationship between the irregularities and ion outflow events detected with ESR. For a certain period active irregularities covered the field of view of ESR that was detecting ion outflow. At other periods, however, no spatial correlation existed between the irregularities and outflow. Such behaviors can be explained by a possible relation between electric fields and/or field-aligned currents producing the irregularities and an ion acceleration resulting in the outflow.


ionosphere, polar region, plasma instability, ion outflow, radar